

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Miss Shoplifter Exuberant Articulate Robbery 1991
Zoe B Exuberant Turbulencia 1991
Takeitlikeaman Exuberant Sweet Lanvin Pie 1991
Exubenation Exuberant Sovereign Nation 1991
Wings of Fame Exuberant First One Holme 1991
Why Stop Now Exuberant Sassy'n'Bright 1992
Four Less Four Exuberant Medieval Tears 1992
Gift of Joy Exuberant Proud Entrance 1992
Going Up Exuberant Waverly's Weanling 1992
Rock n Bowl Exuberant Tri Bowl 1992
Hobgoblin Exuberant Halloween 1992
Danny 'n Mike Exuberant Deja Vu Miss 1992
Born Special Exuberant Born Explosive 1992
Never Vein Exuberant Iron Vein 1992
Cinnamon Princess Exuberant Operate Quick 1993
Tarzena Exuberant June's Weapon 1993
Alex's Rhymer Exuberant Mrs. Bumble 1993
セイメイ Exuberant Proud Entrance 1993
Juniper Point Exuberant Born Explosive 1993
Pleasurable Miss Exuberant Deja Vu Miss 1993