

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Talarik Proud Clarion Glaive 1973
Joachim Proud Clarion Whirl for Joy 1973
Proud Birdie Proud Clarion Bernie Bird 1973
Flaxen King Proud Clarion Flaxen 1973
Free Market Proud Clarion Third Market 1973
Prowess Proud Clarion Specious 1973
Forest Murmurs Proud Clarion Reverie 1973
Princess Clarion Proud Clarion Eleuthera 1973
Drink'n Be Merry Proud Clarion Glenpavia 1973
Real Proud Proud Clarion Real Cuno 1973
Proud Event Proud Clarion Sports Event 1974
Proud Arion Proud Clarion Khalette 1974
Salesian Proud Clarion Tender Promise 1974
Lonemansgame Proud Clarion Graphic Art 1974
Head Waiter Proud Clarion Winter Wren 1974
Marathon Proud Clarion Cap and Gown 1974
Noble Hobby Proud Clarion Amber Eyes 1974
Trish Lum Proud Clarion Laugh and Cry 1974
Kashtan Proud Clarion Call Card 1974
Proud Keth Proud Clarion Our Effie 1974