

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Wilderness Campfire Genesta 1920
Tall Timber Campfire Pixy 1920
Ombrage Campfire Shadow 1921
Big Blaze Campfire Queen of the Hills 1921
Ethereal Campfire Hypatia 1923
Fancy Light Campfire Genesta 1923
Wood Lore Campfire Pixy 1924
Concession Campfire Martha Snow 1925
Blue Eagle Campfire Delft 1925
Campus Campfire Chewink 1925
Char Lady Campfire Nell McGee 1925
Violet Flame Campfire Violet Play 1925
Santee Campfire Chewink 1926
Flying Field Campfire Bessie Melton 1926
Campmeat Campfire La Gioconda 1926
Chelys Campfire Chewink 1927
Little Fire Campfire Little Flower 1927
Destiny Bay Campfire Sagacity 1927
Boursecamp Campfire Bourse 1927
Sunstroke Campfire Sun Spot 1927