

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Red Wing Nell Vertex Nell-Girl 1970
Nita Vertex Gaylord's Touch 1970
Out of Text Vertex Yes Dear 1970
Voler Vertex Pride of Paris 1970
Greek Marine Vertex 1970
Permissiveness Vertex Banner 1970
Milady's Fancy Vertex Double You 1970
My Dad Inky Vertex Ran-Tan 1970
ガリブル Vertex Easily Fooled 1970
Dear to Us Vertex My Dear Girl 1970
Violation Vertex Miss Summons 1970
Reverting Vertex Evening Off 1971
Vertical Gal Vertex Ethical 1971
Pink Tights Vertex Carnival Queen 1971
Tear Drop Vertex Spit'n the Ocean 1971
Winver Vertex Windsor Lady 1972
Blue Eyes Norm Vertex Miss Nasrullah 1972
Louisa Jane Vertex Double You 1972
Ms. Superstar Vertex Madamoiselle W. 1972
Highest Tide Vertex Dark Sea 1972