

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Native Prairie Dare and Go Fight the Question 1998
Volcanique Dare and Go Gold Leap 1998
Go and Dare Me Dare and Go Nijinsky Queen 1998
Smart Dare Dare and Go Smartly Styled 1998
Dare Emily Dare and Go Royal Fuss 1998
Daring Pegasus Dare and Go Homeric Comet 1998
Fifi La Dash Dare and Go イマラダッシュ 1998
Daring Bandit Dare and Go Stylish Prospect 1998
Darling Lover Dare and Go Doris's Secret 1998
Dare to Run Dare and Go Dancinginthestreet 1998
Escort Boy Dare and Go Exactly Like You 1998
Beyond Daring Dare and Go Electric Talent 1998
Dare to Be Wild Dare and Go Wild and Wonderful 1998
Ask Nancy Dare and Go Tia Gigi 1998
サンデア Dare and Go San Empery 1998
Dahichi Dare and Go Tahiche 1998
Dangerous Girl Dare and Go Sea Hill 1998
Chelle Spendabuck Dare and Go Harvest the Gold 1998
Acemeifyoudare Dare and Go Line Call 1998
Dare Made Me Go Dare and Go Leomade 1999