

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Miss Lycia Sharpman Dame Lys 1981
Sharpriver Sharpman Riviere Salee 1981
Blue Spleen Sharpman Neptambre 1981
Toll Teller Sharpman Distant Bells 1981
Porte des Lilas Sharpman Gentop 1981
In Focus Sharpman Model Girl 1981
Lady Sharp Sharpman Golondrina 1981
Bruine Sharpman 1981
Siala Sharpman Stoyana 1981
Lukia Sharpman Louzitania 1981
Ourla Sharpman Gadfly 1982
Denitz Sharpman Djerba 1982
Trotanoy Sharpman Timbale d'Argent 1982
Daroun Sharpman Denia 1982
Glaros Sharpman Gortynia 1982
Dosha Sharpman Doshala 1982
Elisharp Sharpman Elisheba 1982
Quickfire Sharpman Queen of the Ring 1982
Troppo Cara Sharpman Igraine 1982
Maney Maney Sharpman Manene 1983