

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Kays Runner Strike the Gold Santana Anna 1995
Hargrove Strike the Gold Double Bunctious 1995
Flipforthegold Strike the Gold Flip the Bird 1995
Miss O'Keefe Strike the Gold Oblivious Miss 1995
Sunset Crest Strike the Gold Aubegris 1995
Golden Circe Strike the Gold Sea Regent 1995
Prima Gold Strike the Gold Damificare 1995
Dancing Countus Strike the Gold Countus In 1995
Slide to the Left Strike the Gold Liliha 1995
Winning Move Strike the Gold Addy's Venture 1995
Golden Image Strike the Gold Imaglee 1995
Dr. Ell Strike the Gold Delicate Moment 1995
Sinsonte Strike the Gold Scarlet Quill 1995
チコリーベル Strike the Gold Chic Belle 1995
Striking Profile Strike the Gold Perfect Profile 1995
Dawson City Strike the Gold Slewranium 1995
ニッポークラシック Strike the Gold モムズザワード 1995
Abbreviated Strike the Gold スパースター 1995
Gold Court Strike the Gold Millcreek Court 1995
Slim Gold Strike the Gold A Slim Chic 1996