

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Imaginary Swift and Sure El Dorado 1928
Stylist Swift and Sure Finery 1929
Citrus Swift and Sure Cicuta 1929
Swivel Swift and Sure Toddle 1930
Corinne Dailey Swift and Sure Headdress 1932
Posted Swift and Sure Postage 1934
Take Heed Swift and Sure Careful 1934
Swiftply Swift and Sure Panoply 1934
Eastport Swift and Sure Snowcapt 1934
Snow Flurry Swift and Sure Snowflake 1935
Lepsid Swift and Sure Dispel 1936
Faculty Swift and Sure Talented 1936
Sir Marlboro Swift and Sure Mad Delight 1936
Hobby Swift and Sure Bundle 1937
Second Helping Swift and Sure Featherweight 1937
Fighting Fit Swift and Sure Gallant Foe 1947