

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Plugged Nickle Key to the Mint Toll Booth 1977
Tokens Only Youth Toll Booth 1978
バンカーズフェバレイト Lyphard Toll Booth 1979
Idle Gossip Lyphard Toll Booth 1980
Coins Only Lyphard Toll Booth 1981
Chicago Bound Key to the Mint Toll Booth 1982
Toll Key Nodouble Toll Booth 1983
Key to the Bridge Key to the Mint Toll Booth 1984
Toll Fee Topsider Toll Booth 1985
クリスティキャット Majestic Light Toll Booth 1987
Token Found Mr. Prospector Toll Booth 1989
Toll Paid Alydar Toll Booth 1990