

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Proven Benny the Dip Night Fax 1999
Benny the Hawk Benny the Dip Logiciel 1999
Face the Judge Benny the Dip Lyrebird 1999
Super Shinkansen Benny the Dip Bonnie Baugh 1999
Jail Benny the Dip Legit 1999
Buy On the Dips Benny the Dip Senora Tiara 1999
Stalaktitis Benny the Dip Jane Heller 1999
Approved Doubledip Benny the Dip Peaceful Approval 1999
Outside Centre Benny the Dip Six Nations 1999
シルクロマンス Benny the Dip ラロマンス 1999
Foot Pick Benny the Dip Footy 1999
Deceiver Benny the Dip In Conference 1999
Benny the Thief Benny the Dip Tricky Princess 1999
Tic Tac Benny Benny the Dip Rising Sky 1999
Song's Echo Benny the Dip Dawn's Curtsey 1999
Taste the Stars Benny the Dip Sassy Bird 1999
Charley Bates Benny the Dip Vouch 1999
Carrickfergus Benny the Dip Stately Bid 1999
Ladra Benny the Dip Liz Cee 2000
ベニーマイスズカ Benny the Dip ローズオブスズカ 2000