

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
The Secret Keeper Bustino Hard to Tell 1981
In the Shade Bustino Miellita 1981
Western Flag Bustino Western Goddess 1981
Falcon Berry Bustino Red Berry 1981
Battle Drum Bustino Ring Rose 1981
Bustling Nelly Bustino Flying Nelly 1981
Supreme Leader Bustino Princess Zena 1982
Rakaposhi King Bustino Supper Time 1982
Obsidian Bustino Quita 1982
Bruno Giordano Bustino Scented Air 1982
Capital Risk Bustino Cape Race 1982
Derrystino Bustino Good Lass 1982
Bayazida Bustino Burnished Gold 1982
Tantino Bustino Kaftan 1982
Astraflash Bustino Formulate 1982
False Front Bustino Unyielding 1982
Much Too Risky Bustino Short Rations 1982
Fire Flash Bustino Dazzling Light 1982
Tina Rosa Bustino Rose Copse 1983
Apprila Bustino Habanera 1983