

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Immitation Arts and Letters Julie's Image 1985
Arts to Reason Arts and Letters Plausible Reason 1985
Moulins Art Arts and Letters Le Moulin 1985
Finesse the Queen Arts and Letters Trick Maneuver 1985
Sparkling Gaylord Arts and Letters Sparkling Vixen 1986
Magic Trivia Arts and Letters Mark's Magic 1986
Artistic Design Arts and Letters Old Grenada 1986
A Letter From Mary Arts and Letters Lady Mary Seymour 1986
Arts in the Park Arts and Letters Cimarron Rose 1987
Honor Is Yours Arts and Letters Literary Lark 1987
Iappreciateart Arts and Letters Bounteous 1988
Professor Rabbit Arts and Letters Bite the Dust 1988
Coppawinner Arts and Letters Buckarina 1988
Dynas Creative Art Arts and Letters Dashing Dyna 1990
Miss Martha Lynne Arts and Letters What a Surprise 1990
Dare Girl Arts and Letters Nalees Honor Award 1991
Legal Lit Arts and Letters Literary Lark 1991
Koennecker Arts and Letters High Heeled Honey 1992
Kristys Faith Arts and Letters Kristy's Dyna 1993
Musicismybusiness Arts and Letters Literary Lark 1994