

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Classic Curves Arts and Letters Treacherous Turn 1977
Farewell Letter Arts and Letters Tower of London 1977
Perry Cabin Arts and Letters Hester Prynne 1977
Chauncey Tinker Arts and Letters Love of Learning 1977
War of Words Arts and Letters Drumtop 1977
Seven Arts Arts and Letters Seven Locks 1977
Word of Art Arts and Letters Ecrivante 1977
Codex Arts and Letters Roundup Rose 1977
Friendly Letters Arts and Letters Friendly Witness 1978
Pride's Proof Arts and Letters Prides Promise 1978
Secret Scheme Arts and Letters Be Suspicious 1978
Lord Darnley Arts and Letters Mary Queenofscots 1978
Speedy Al Arts and Letters Swiftybyrd 1978
Sparkling Girl Arts and Letters Sparkling Vixen 1978
Scholarly Fare Arts and Letters Table d'Hote 1978
Tonzarun Arts and Letters Passakiss 1978
Letters of Life Arts and Letters Life 1979
L'Intellectuel Arts and Letters Cold Reply 1979
Annulus Arts and Letters Sunny Dame 1979
Literate Arts and Letters Trim and Tidy 1979