

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Preferred Distant Relative Fruhlingserwachen 1998
Sonatina Distant Relative Son et Lumiere 1998
Tell Me Why Distant Relative Tropical Moon 1998
Endis Distant Relative Enola 1998
Distant Valley Distant Relative Down the Valley 1999
Wicked Uncle Distant Relative The Kings Daughter 1999
Guermantes Distant Relative Needwood Epic 1999
Kiris World Distant Relative Solar Dawn 1999
Parisienne Distant Relative Poughkeepsie 1999
Brave Giraffe Distant Relative Prinia 1999
Sister in Law Distant Relative Despina 1999
Crinkle Distant Relative Crinolette 1999
Luxor Distant Relative 2000
My Relative Distant Relative Secring 2000
Nusa Dua Distant Relative Damla I 2000
Emine Hanim Distant Relative Beliz 2000
Yavuzstar Distant Relative Cindy I 2001
Celikmehmet Distant Relative Pigeon Pea 2002
Real Girl Distant Relative Real Money 2003
Zeynep Hanim Distant Relative Sweet Surrender 2004