

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Shananies Song Eltish Shananies Presence 2004
Tarraburn Eltish Rahy's Wish 2004
Ellewinkle Eltish Shesabullwinkle 2004
Hurricane Heat Eltish Cindanzri 2005
Elle Tish Slew Eltish Bertranslew 2005
Fuzzy Buzz Eltish Polish Symphony 2005
El Sultry Sun Eltish Sultry Sun 2005
Dynamic Wayne Eltish Dynamic Way 2005
Silk Ridge Eltish Whisper of Silk 2005
シーズオールエルティッシュ Eltish Shesabullwinkle 2005
Assistant K J Eltish Don't Read My Lips 2005
El Confidential Eltish Irrevocable 2007
Rare Bit Eltish Sultry Allure 2007
Eltish's Wildfire Eltish Pressed and Ready 2008
Garnish Eltish Avril a Portugal 2008
Bruce's Choice Eltish Darling Aly 2009
Eltishnellie Bobo Eltish Pressed and Ready 2009