

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Miss Ribot Sir Ribot Transact 1965
Salerno Sir Ribot Winsome Woman 1965
Jet Ribot Sir Ribot Gaonera 1965
Fickle Fury Sir Ribot Loving Sister 1966
Unexcelled Sir Ribot Daring Duchess 1966
Ribot Babe Sir Ribot ゾーン 1967
Autonesian Sir Ribot Tapu 1967
Two to Paris Sir Ribot Running Account 1968
El Magnate Sir Ribot Heap O'Wishing 1968
Deeper in Debt Sir Ribot Fabiola 1969
Dancing Rib Sir Ribot Courbette 1969
First Ribbon Sir Ribot First Step 1969
High Sir Sir Ribot Cloud High 1969
The Candidate Sir Ribot Sweet Cee Cee 1969
Nellie Ann Sir Ribot Siena Way 1970
Ask Gloria Sir Ribot Full Compliment 1970
Riot in Paris Sir Ribot Running Account 1971
Long Leader Sir Ribot Mono 1971
Queen Ribot Sir Ribot Eblouissante 1971
Right Fancy Sir Ribot Privileged 1971