

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Acrostic Palestine Tehmany 1960
Silver Leopard Palestine Queen of Hind 1960
パエラ Palestine Foxella 1960
Red Tears Palestine Huntress 1960
Ruth Palestine Wayfarer 1960
パレンマ Palestine Kate's Dilemma 1960
Shepherd's Watch Palestine Night Operation 1961
Little Iron Palestine Sagacious 1961
フエアポーレツト Palestine Fairnington 1961
Varsovia Palestine Manston 1961
Pale Carnation Palestine Chevalier's Star 1961
Pally Lass Palestine Hyphenate 1961
Lunacy Palestine Trip to the Moon 1961
Palinda Palestine Clarinda 1961
Grey Matter Palestine Miniature 1961
オセロ Palestine ダイアゴナル 1962
Atonement Palestine Malapert 1962
Tiffin Time Palestine ダンスタイム 1962
Tiny Rose Palestine Ensign Rouge 1962
Miss Rhondda Palestine Tulira 1962