

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Eglantine The Whirlpool Indecise 1911
Golden Star The Whirlpool Etoile d'Or 1911
Remanso The Whirlpool Valliere 1914
Cantatriz The Whirlpool Bayadera 1914
Basurita The Whirlpool Nuit d'Or 1916
Frescura The Whirlpool Fine Feathers 1918
Gallipool The Whirlpool Gallia 1918
Whirlanta The Whirlpool Palanta 1918
Whirliza The Whirlpool Paliza 1918
Baduca The Whirlpool Bullanguera 1918
Chipola The Whirlpool Basurita 1924