

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Gucci Sir Tristram Puzzi 1985
Gay Tris Sir Tristram Gay Juss 1985
Sir Midas Sir Tristram Hula Gold 1985
Oishi Sir Tristram Sequita 1985
All Grace Sir Tristram Ziegfield Lass 1985
Breath of Scandal Sir Tristram Court Affair 1985
Kawahai Sir Tristram Buckland Bird 1985
Precious Platinum Sir Tristram Silver Liner 1985
Another Sir Sir Tristram Vice Reine 1985
Lady Rushton Sir Tristram Mellseur 1985
Follow the Fashion Sir Tristram My Beauty 1985
Trinare Sir Tristram Renarc 1985
Riverina Charm Sir Tristram Country Charm 1985
Social Symbol Sir Tristram Showstopper 1985
Mabarak Sir Tristram Biscalowe 1985
Bon Cher Sir Tristram My Marseillaise 1985
ローズオブトリストラム Sir Tristram Monrose 1985
Lady Cassandra Sir Tristram Premiere Danseuse 1985
Glenview Sir Tristram Zepherin 1985
Kabuki Dancer Sir Tristram Blazing Silks 1985