馬名 | 父 | 母 | 生年 |
Fonda Rhonda | Pukka Gent | Forain | 1983 |
Yellow Screen | Silent Screen | Forain | 1984 |
Sealed Cargo | Key to the Kingdom | Forain | 1986 |
Rain Master | Master Derby | Forain | 1987 |
Barbosa | リファーズウィッシュ | Forain | 1988 |
For Dixie | Dixieland Band | Forain | 1989 |
Carols Valentine | Our Native | Forain | 1990 |
Calypso Te Rose | Marfa | Forain | 1991 |
エイシンマリオン | Fred Astaire | Forain | 1993 |
Salty Train | Salt Lake | Forain | 1997 |
Takehimtothelimit | Mr. Greeley | Forain | 1998 |