

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Hoda Iades Hodo 1990
Hiad Iades Heisey 1990
Angelades Iades Caracolero's Girl 1990
Lightotouch Iades Brushly 1990
Lloyd Lee Iades Manekia 1990
Cacao Iades Coconut Milk 1990
Bella Concetta Iades Yukon Dolly 1990
The Shiner Iades Florida Jig 1991
The Bees Knees Iades Reachout and Touch 1991
Sedai Iades Lacework 1991
Moulin Rouge Iades Shadyside 1993
Now Is the Hour Iades Jigtime 1994