

並び順: 生年順 | 馬名順
馬名 生年
Talent Song Unbridled's Song Untouched Talent 2008
Bodemeister エンパイアメーカー Untouched Talent 2009
Fascinating Smart Strike Untouched Talent 2011
Tiztalented Tiznow Untouched Talent 2012
Finnegan Unbridled's Song Untouched Talent 2013
Sugar and Te Galileo Untouched Talent 2014
Glories Galileo Untouched Talent 2015
Himiko American Pharoah Untouched Talent 2017
ヒミコⅡ American Pharoah Untouched Talent 2017
Under the Stars Pioneerof the Nile Untouched Talent 2019